What is Microneedling? How does it work?

Microneedling is an advanced, aesthetic procedure (also known as collagen induction therapy) that uses microneedles to perforate the skin in order to stimulate new skin cells. This prompts collagen production, therefore filling in fine lines & deep wrinkles as well as evening out uneven skin tones and acne scarring.  During the treatment, we are able to enhance our facials by offering clients a bespoke cocktail of powerful serums. These are absorbed into the deeper layers of the skin through the micro channels, therefore targeting areas where our clients most need it.

How many treatments do I need, and how often can Microneedling procedures be repeated?

Microneedling can be repeated every 4-6 weeks. This allows new cells to come through, and for us to keep cellular production stimulated. Fantastic results can be seen after 1 sessions. For a deeper area of concern, it can take up to 6 sessions.

  • Semi-permanent makeup is done using an electrically powered machine .
  • Microblading uses a tool  does not require batteries or electricity.
How long will the results last

Clients that opt for one facial will see results for a few months, clients that opt for a course of 3-6 facials will see results last from 12-18 months

Is Microneedling painful?

One of the key benefits of our microneedling treatment is that we can adjust the settings and tailor the treatment to any of our clients’ specific needs and comfort levels. For the more targeted treatments we offer, we apply a topical anaesthetic prior to the treatment, so we can perforate the skin at a lower depth, for optimum results

What is permanent makeup?

It is the micro-implantation of coloring pigments into the skin for aesthetic purposes to enhance, contour, and outline facial features. It is also a valuable procedure for camouflaging scars, burns, skin pigmentation variances caused by vitiligo, correcting some facial irregularities, or to further enhance facial rejuvenation and post-operative treatments.

How are microblading and micropigmentation different?


  • Semi permanent procedure lasting between 6 months – 1 year.
  • Hair-like strokes are drawn on then traced over, inserting pigment with a handheld tool.
  • Can be painful.
  • Procedure takes approximately 2 hours to complete.
  • Healing process takes between 25-30 days.
  • Touch-up appointments are recommended after 45 days and can take approximately 45 minutes.

Micropigmention at Permanent-Line:

  • Permanent procedure lasting between two to three years.
  • Hair-like strokes are drawn on using a fine artist paint brush and traced over with a digital hand-held electric device which inserts pigment 1-2 mm under the skins surface.
  • Minimal discomfort with topical numbing cream.
  • Procedure takes approximately 1 to 2 hour to complete with a 1 to 2 hour consultation.
  • Healing process take between 3-5 days.
  • Touch-up appointments are recommended 6 weeks after procedure and takes 1 to 2 hour.
  • Technique perfected in Germany, available in the US since 1986.
  • Pigments are sterile, organic substance, made in Germany in pharmaceutical grade labs.
What are the coloring agents used in permanent makeup?

Permanent-Line uses safe coloring pigments approved by the European Regulatory Agencies whose guidelines are far stricter than the US FDA.They contain NOVOXX, which eliminates the possibility of germ contamination. They are inert in nature and don’t interfere with the body’s chemistry. Some other permanent makeup artists use pigments containing printer’s ink, heavy metals such as barium, aluminum or iron oxide, which fade quickly to a pink or greenish shade, and they can cause skin irritation when undergoing an MRI. Permanent-Line pigments are safe, stay true to color, fading gradually to a lighter shade over time.

Is permanent makeup a safe procedure?

At Permanent-Line, the procedures are performed under sterile conditions, using only disposable needle cartridges and with digitally controlled implantation device. There are no long-term side effects; short-term effects may include some redness, swelling, and tenderness. There are no known allergic reactions to pigments.

Is there any discomfort associated with the procedure?

Topical anesthetics that are highly effective to be applied to the treated area which significantly reduces discomfort. Typically, patients will report a tickling sensation with little or no discomfort during or after a procedure has been performed.

What kind of healing time is involved? Is any care required after the procedure?

Some swelling and redness can be expected for 24 hours following the procedure. A cold compress helps to reduce any swelling around the eye area. The treated area must be kept clean. No makeup should be applied for several days. Some skin peeling and lightening of the applied color is normal. If any additional adjustments are desired, these will be made during your follow-up appointment. Regular routines usually can be resumed immediately after the procedure. However, tanning, swimming, or vigorous exercise should be avoided for a few days. Normal healing times is between four to seven days.

How long does permanent makeup last?

Gradual fading can be expected for all micro-pigmentation procedures. This varies among people and is dependent on the specific shade used, personal care routine and sun exposure. Most colors last one to three years. Periodic touchups are recommended to maintain the desired look. You can also choose to change colors of your permanent makeup. For instance, a nude lip color can be modified to a peachy pink or a brown eyeliner to a black or navy hue.

How long should I wait before I can have permanent makeup applied after Botox, injectables, chemical peels or laser treatments?

Generally speaking, we recommend to wait at least one week before we apply any permanent eyebrows, eyeliner, or lip liner/color. It may be necessary to wait a few more weeks after laser resurfacing or chemical pee.

Can I have Botox after my eyebrows are permanently feathered and enhanced?

We recommend to wait a few days to let the eyebrows heal completely before Botox is injected. A brow lift should not significantly alter the shape of a permanent eyebrow.

Should I have my eyes lifted before I get permanent eyeliner? And what happens to my permanent eyeliner when I have a blepharoplasty (eyelid lift)?

The permanent eyeliner is applied directly in between the eyelashes and doesn’t move or change when the eyelid is surgically lifted. Therefore, it doesn’t make any difference whether you have your eyes lifted before or after the permanent eyeliner is applied.

What is Mesotherapy?

Mesotherapy is a subcutaneous (shallow and superficial) injection treatment for the skin. During a Mesotherapy treatment, natural ingredients such as Hyaluronic Acid gel are used to rehydrate the skin and induce collagen production, essentially benefiting fine lines, wrinkles, Crow’s feet, chin lines, lip lines, furrows and nasolabial folds. The injections will cause slight red micro-puncture spots as a side-effect. However, these puncture spots usually subside after 24 hours.

Does Mesotherapy hurt?

The injectable solution does not sting or burn. Patients usually report a pain level of 1-3 out of 10, with 10 being high for pain. Mesotherapy sessions are 30 minute sessions.  Our Naturopaths numb the area with a pharmaceutical grade anesthetic cream for the first 10 to 15 minutes to help minimize pain.

How many treatments will I need?

We recommend a series of 4 Mesotherapy treatments at weekly intervals to start. This allows the body to recognize the Hyaluronic acid and produce it’s own collagen as a response to the excess Hyaluronic acid. Then, we recommend treatments every 2 to 3 weeks for a couple of times and finally monthly maintenance. During the healing process, more fibrin, elastin and growth factors are produced and it re-trains the skin to produce more collagen.

What are the side effects of Mesotherapy?

Because we use an all-natural and 100% pure Hyaluronic Acid gel, the chances of your body reacting to it is very low. That being said, there are some individuals who are highly sensitive to many things and may react with a hypersensitive reaction. This reaction may include hives, rash or numbness and tingling in the treated area. We suggest keeping a Benadryl on hand to treat such reactions. Otherwise, other minor side effects may include pin-point bleeding, bruising, itchiness and minor pain. Most of these side effects are not long lasting. Your skin should look normal and even more youthful after a good night of rest