Collagen-Induced Therapy

Are you having a hard time with troublesome pores, wrinkles, or other elements that take away from your skin’s appearance? Whether you’re having difficulties treating age spots, scars, or other skin conditions, Our Skin Clinic is here to help with a highly efficient, collagen-induced solution. We are pleased to offer micro-needling therapy from Derma stamp to our patients, capable of delivering improved skin vitality, smoothness, and suppleness.

A Safe and Effective Treatment Solution

As the maker of the original Dermaroller, Dermastamp has a reputation for superior-quality skin care treatment solutions, which we are proud to integrate with our available services. With micro-needling, our patients benefit from the best of care as well as a proven method that can produce enhanced results. It is a safe and effective form of skin treatment for a variety of pre-existing conditions, helping you obtain a rejuvenated appearance in a streamlined manner.

What is Dermaroller?

Dermaroller is a device designed to lightly penetrate the skin’s surface, forcing it to repair itself with the production of collagen and new cells. This is an alternative to advanced surgeries and is effective at encouraging your body to restore its appearance naturally. The super-fine, medical-grade needles of the Dermaroller penetrate the dermis of the skin, which in turn rapidly closes up to repair itself. There is no lasting skin damage in typical cases, as these needles are atraumatic, therefore helping to create smoother, healthier, clearer looking skin.


Many clients opt for micro-needling and collagen-induced therapy due to their ability to combat a wide array of skin-related issues. Such treatment is capable of reducing or eliminating the appearance of wrinkles, scars, stretch marks, hyperpigmentation, age spots, acne, rosacea, and pores. In addition, it is capable of tightening, toning, and assisting with improving skin textures while thickening the dermis.

Combine with Skin Rejuvenation for Further Enhanced Results

For additional health and wellness benefits, consider combining our micro-needling and collagen-induced therapy with skin rejuvenation to potentially improve the speed of healing. This is the result of rejuvenation releasing growth factors into the skin to help accelerate the body’s own repair process. Therefore, new collagen and elastin are stimulated.


Facial Mesotherapy Injections

In 1793, French scientist Antoine Francois from France first saw positive therapeutic effects by injecting natural substances subcutaneously. Later in 1952, Michel Pistor coined the term Mesotherapy and the French Society of Mesotherapy was created shortly after. Today, Mesotherapy has variable uses from dissolving fat cells to repairing connective tissues in joints. At our clinic, we use a form of natural low molecular weight Hyaluronic Acid to help treat a variety of skin conditions including fine lines, wrinkles, loss of tonicity and collagen.

What is Mesotherapy?

Mesotherapy is a subcutaneous (shallow and superficial) injection treatment for the skin. During a Mesotherapy treatment, natural ingredients such as Hyaluronic Acid gel are used to rehydrate the skin and induce collagen production, essentially benefiting fine lines, wrinkles, Crow’s feet, chin lines, lip lines, furrows and nasolabial folds. The injections will cause slight red micro-puncture spots as a side-effect. However, these puncture spots usually subside after 24 hours.

Does Mesotherapy hurt?

The injectable solution does not sting or burn. Patients usually report a pain level of 1-3 out of 10, with 10 being high for pain. Mesotherapy sessions are 30 minute sessions. Our Naturopaths numb the area with a pharmaceutical grade anesthetic cream for the first 10 to 15 minutes to help minimize pain. 

How many treatments will I need?

We recommend a series of 4 Mesotherapy treatments at weekly intervals to start. This allows the body to recognize the Hyaluronic acid and produce it’s own collagen as a response to the excess Hyaluronic acid. Then, we recommend treatments every 2 to 3 weeks for a couple of times and finally monthly maintenance. During the healing process, more fibrin, elastin and growth factors are produced and it re-trains the skin to produce more collagen. 


Mesotherapy injections of Hyaluronic Acid and other natural nutrients can help treat a variety of medical skin conditions including hyperpigmentation, loss of tonicity and elasticity, acne scarring, cystic acne and more!